SocialRouting: The social-based routing algorithm for Delay Tolerant Networks


  • Radosław Olgierd Schoeneich Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Rafał Surgiewicz Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw University of Technology


Delay and Disruptive Tolerant Networks (DTN) are relatively a new networking concept that could provide a robust communication in wide range of implementations from the space to battlefield or other military usage. However in such dynamic networks, which could be considered as a set of intermittently connected nodes, message forwarding strategy is a key issue. Existing routing solutions concentrate mainly on two major routing families flooding and knowledge based algorithms. This paper presents SocialRouting - the social-based routing algorithm designed for DTN. The use of the social properties of wireless mobile nodes is the novel way of message routing that is based on message ferrying between separated parts of the network. Proposed idea has been extensively tested using simulation tools. The simulations were made based on especially designed for measurements in DTN scenarios and compared with popular solutions.


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Wireless and Mobile Communications