Multi-frame Image Super-resolution Reconstruction Using Multi-grained Cascade Forest


  • Yaming Wang Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, School of Information Science and Technology, Hangzhou,China
  • Zhikang Luo Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Machine vision and parttern recognition laboratory, Hangzhou,China
  • Wenqing Huang Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, School of Information Science and Technology, Hangzhou,China


Super-resolution image reconstruction utilizes two algorithms, where one is for single-frame image reconstruction, and the other is for multi-frame image reconstruction. Single-frame image reconstruction generally takes the first degradation and is followed by reconstruction, which essentially creates a problem of insufficient characterization. Multi-frame images provide additional information for image reconstruction relative to single frame images due to the slight differences between sequential frames. However, the existing super-resolution algorithm for multi-frame images do not take advantage of this key factor, either because of loose structure and complexity, or because the individual frames are restored poorly. This paper proposes a new SR reconstruction algorithm for images using Multi-grained Cascade Forest. Multi-frame image reconstruction is processed sequentially. Firstly, the image registration algorithm uses a convolutional neural network to register low-resolution image sequences, and then the images are reconstructed after registration by the Multi-grained Cascade Forest reconstruction algorithm. Finally, the reconstructed images are fused. The optimal algorithm is selected for each step  to get the most out of the details and tightly connect the internal logic of each sequential step.This novel approach proposed in this paper, in which the depth of the cascade forest is procedurally generated for recovered images, rather than being a constant. After training each layer, the recovered image is automatically evaluated, and new layers are constructed for training until an optimal restored image is obtained. Experiments show that this method improves the quality of image reconstruction while preserving the details of the image.


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Image Processing