Double-gate MOSFET model implemented in VerilogAMS language for the transient simulation and the configuration of ultra low-power analog circuits

Smaani Billel, Meraihi Yacin, Nafa Fares, Benlatreche Mohamed Salah, Akroum Hamza, Latreche Saida


This paper deals with the implementation of a DC
and AC double-gate MOSFET compact model in the VerilogAMS language for the transient simulation and the configuration
of ultra low-power analog circuits. The Verilog-AMS description
of the proposed model is inserted in SMASH circuit simulator for
the transient simulation and the configuration of the Colpitts
oscillator, the common-source amplifier, and the inverter. The
proposed model has the advantages of being simple and compact.
It was validated using TCAD simulation results of the same
transistor realized with Silvaco Software.

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