Design and analysis of single mode photonic crystal fibers with zero dispersion and ultra low loss
PCFs (Photonic Crystal Fibers) with ‘T’ – shaped
core have been proposed in this paper. ‘T’ –shaped core PCF
structures have been analyzed using two different background
materials: silica and lead silicate. A total of 3600 rotation at an
interval of 900 has been introduced in the design of PCF
structures. PCF structures A, B, C and D with rotation of 00, 900,
1800 and 2700 have silica as wafer. Similarly PCF structures E, F,
G and H with similar rotation have lead silicate as background
material. Numerical investigations shows structures ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘G’
and ‘H’ to have anomalous dispersion. PCF structures ‘F’, ‘G’,
and ‘H’ have reported birefringence of the order of 10-2. Besides,
other PCF structures report birefringence of the order of 10-3.
Ultra low confinement loss has been observed in all the
investigated PCF structures. Moreover, splice loss observed by
the structure is very low. Large mode area has been shown by all
the designed PCF structures.
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