FPGA Implementation of Sphere Detector for Spatial Multiplexing MIMO System
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO (techniquesuse multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver forincreasing the channel reliability and enhancing the spectralefficiency of wireless communication system.MIMO Spatial Multiplexing (SM) is a technology that can increase the channelcapacity without additional spectral resources. The implementation of MIMO detection techniques become a difficult missionas the computational complexity increases with the number of
transmitting antenna and constellation size. So designing detection techniques that can recover transmitted signals from SpatialMultiplexing (SM) MIMO with reduced complexity and highperformance is challenging. In this survey, the general model ofMIMO communication system is presented in addition to multipleMIMO Spatial Multiplexing (SM) detection techniques. These detection techniques are divided into different categories, such as linear detection, Non-linear detection and tree-search detection.
Detailed discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of each detection algorithm are introduced. Hardware implementation of Sphere Decoder (SD) algorithm using VHDL/FPGA is also
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