Digital Image Encryption with Validation by ECC and Embedding at Low-Frequency Region Using Genetic Approach


  • Kartikey Pandey National Institute of Technology Raipur, India
  • Deepmala Sharma National Institute of Technology Raipur, India


In the current internet era, the security of digital images has become increasingly important due to their numerous applications and uses. Although many researchers have proposed end-to-end security and authenticity against various attacks, achieving security, validation, and robustness together has been a challenge. This paper proposes a model called Low-Frequency Embedding and Elliptical Curve Cryptography (LFE-ECC), which provides all the necessary requirements for image security.
The proposed model achieves image validation for the authentic sender by embedding a secret signature in the low-frequency region of the image. The robustness of the image is achieved by embedding a secret signature at a selected coefficient of the DWT feature. The moth flame optimization genetic algorithm is used for coefficient selection, and the additional security of embedded images is achieved using the elliptical curve cryptography technique. ECC provides encryption and validation for both parties.
An experiment is conducted on real and artificial datasets under ideal and attack environments, and the results demonstrate the improved performance of the proposed LFE-ECC model against a range of attacks.

Author Biographies

Kartikey Pandey, National Institute of Technology Raipur, India

Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics NIT Raipur, India

Deepmala Sharma, National Institute of Technology Raipur, India

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, NIT Raipur, India


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Cryptography and Cybersecurity