Numerically Stable and Efficient Implementation of a Continuous-Discrete Multiple-Model Estimator


  • Mirosław Sankowski Bumar Elektronika S.A., Hallera 233A, 80-502 Gdańsk, Poland
  • Wojciech Buda Intel Technology Poland Sp. z o.o., Słowackiego 173, 80-298 Gdańsk, Poland


This paper deals with the problem of implementing adaptive radar tracking filters based on continuous-time models of target motion and on discrete-time models of measurement process. The particular difficulties addressed include: nonlinear and non-stationary target movement models with uncertain parameters, and low data rate due to a rotating radar antenna. The proposed tracking filter relies basically on the continuous-discrete variant of the extended Kalman filter (EKF), the probabilistic data association (PDA) technique and the interacting multiplemodel (IMM) state estimation scheme. Numerical properties of the algorithm are discussed and a software implementation is developed using the open-source BLAS library. Several design concepts are combined to assure numerical stability, convergence and efficiency of the estimator.


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